Will I ever be back to normal?

This is the question many people with Long COVID ask themselves. You may be doing the samen. It is a difficult answer for doctor to answer, as they are still looking for a treatment. The lack of a clear answer can be very frustrating. Many fear that they will never get back the life they had before COVID-19.

The medical guideline is to first wait for the initial recovery phase (three months after infection). If no or insufficient recovery has occurred, the advice is to give care and support.

I offer breathing therapy based on the Buteyko method as well as psychological help. The latter may be specifically needed for symptoms such as re-experiences, anxiety, sleeping problems and persistent physical problems such as fatigue and pain.

Care for long COVID

At the intake session we discuss your problem and the goal you wish to achieve. Together we talk about what the best approach is for you and the method(s) we are going to use.

  • EMDR: if you are re-experiencing unpleasant events during your illness period, EMDR is a suitable method to process them properly. EMDR also gives good results for fears.
  • Cognitive hypnotherapy: sleep problems and pain can be better controlled with hypnotherapy. You will develop skills in self-hypnosis, aimed at relaxation, anxiety reduction and pain management. At home, you practice daily with the audio files I create during your session.
  • Respiratory therapy: with Long COVID, the breathing is generally disrupted. With a specific program of exercises according to the Buteyko method (adapted to long COVID), you will do small exercises at home every day.
  • Craniosacral therapy: in case of tension and pain craniosacral therapy supports the body’s natural capacity of recovery.

If you would like to seek advice, please contact me for a free phone call. Or book your first session directly. Via the ‘Appointment’ button, you can easily choose the time that suits you in my calendar.

Symptoms of Long COVID

Most people who have had COVID-19 recover within a few weeks. But there is also a group that keeps having health problems for a longer period of time. This can be after both a mild and a severe course of illness. The term Long COVID (or post-COVID syndrome) is used to describe the persistent symptoms.

Common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, cognitive problems or other issues that hinder daily functioning. It may be that you have had problems from the beginning of the infection or returning problems after an earlier recovery. Over time, they can become more or less severe.

Breathing problems

Research at Radboudumc (2022) shows that many patients have disturbed breathing after a corona infection. The 21 patients studied had had only a mild form of COVID-19 and were able to get better at home. Nevertheless, they got serious and long-term problems.

While lung function, blood tests and condition appeared to be normal, the researchers saw abnormal breathing in almost all patients during a bicycle test. They were constantly looking for how to breathe while cycling. Talking also caused problems with breathing. Many patients breathed too fast or too deeply, causing problems such as fatigue, shortness of breath, etc.

The researchers note that the abnormal breathing and consequences resemble chronic hyperventilation syndrome. They recommend targeted breathing therapy.

Rates and registration

  • For private clients, see the different rates on this page. A partial reimbursement from the healthcare insurance is often possible.
  • Different rates apply for coaching programs for business purposes, or paid for by the employer.

Do you like more help with your recovery from long COVID? Via the button you can immediately make an appointment for a free telephone call or an intake session.

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