Process a traumatic experience quickly and effectively with EMDR.

EMDR is an effective therapy when you continue to suffer from one or more traumatic experiences. This is the case when memories keep coming back in situations that resemble the traumatizing event.

The goal is to help you reprocess the memories and be able to think of the event without getting upset again. In this way you can change its meaning for you and for your life.

If you would like to seek advice, please contact me for a free phone call. Or book your first session directly. Via the ‘Appointment’ button, you can easily choose the time that suits you in my calendar.

Major events

Certain events can deeply affect our lives. Often we can process these experiences on our own. But if that does not work, memories of the events continue to have a negative effect. Often the memories keep coming back and we may respond with strong emotions, vivid images and physical reactions.

With EMDR it is possible to treat various psychological problems that are caused by painful experiences. These problems include avoidance behavior, gloominess, feelings of fear, shame, guilt or anger. Examples of such experiences are emotional neglect, experiences in the medical field, work-related events and other experiences of embarrassment, bullying or loss.

Principle of EMDR

EMDR is indicated when psychological problems are the result of one or more hurtful or abusive events. These memories are activated again and again in situations similar to those during the traumatic event. The main approach to working with the EMDR method is to help you process the memories adequately.

Since the method was developed around 1990, a lot of scientific research has been done into the efficacy of EMDR. This shows that clients respond well to EMDR. EMDR is a short-term form of therapy. When it comes to a one-off traumatizing event, the impact often weakens after just a few sessions and the influence on daily functioning is drastically reduced.

How does EMDR proceed?

At the EMDR session you will be asked to think back of the event, including the associated images, thoughts and feelings. In this way we collect relevant information about the traumatic experience. After that, the reprocessing procedure starts. You are asked to recall the event, but now this is done in conjunction with a task that requires your concentration. This task is following the light on the light bar moving to right and left in front of you, or you hear alternating left and right clicks through headphones.

After each set (of 25 eye movements or 45 seconds of clicks) you will be asked what comes up in your mind. You give a short answer to this. The EMDR procedure usually triggers a stream of thoughts and images, feelings and physical sensations. Often something changes. After your answer, you are asked to focus on the most striking change and a new set follows. This cycle continues for as long as necessary.

Expected effects

The subsequent sets of eye movements or clicks make the memory gradually lose its emotional impact. It becomes easier for you to think back to the original event. Often the memory images themselves change and become blurred or smaller, for example, or less unpleasant aspects of the situation emerge. You can also spontaneously gain new thoughts or insights that give the event a less threatening meaning. Because of these effects, the experience gets better incorporated in your life story.

Are there disadvantages?

How people feel after an EMDR session varies quite a bit. It may be that you feel comfortable and energetic, but you can also feel (very) tired. In some cases, people get the idea of losing control for a while, for example when new, intens images or feelings emerge. However, as a rule, this does not last more than three days. After that, a new balance has emerged, as it were. It is a normal reaction during the coping process. What helps is to keep a diary and write down what comes up. We can then discuss this at the next session.

Is EMDR right for you?

At the intake session we discuss the problem you have and the goal you wish to achieve. There is also an appraisal of some personal characteristics such as your coping skills and capacity. This shows whether EMDR is suitable as a targeted trauma treatment at that time.

EMDR sessions take place every other week. In the intervening weeks we usually schedule sessions in which we discuss your situation and progress, or we may work additionally with other methods.

Rates and registration

  • For private clients, see the different rates on this page. A partial reimbursement from the healthcare insurance is often possible.
  • Different rates apply for coaching programs for business purposes, or paid for by the employer.

Do you think you may benefit from EMDR therapy? Via the button you can immediately make an appointment for a free telephone call or an intake session.